Plugin nebyl testován na 3 nejnovějších verzích WordPressu. Nemusí už být tedy podporován a u novějších verzí WordPressu může mít problémy s kompatibilitou a může být nestabilní.



OnChat is a WordPress plugin that enhances your website’s functionality by integrating with, a third-party service. is an AI chatbot builder that uses your website data to train the chatbot via ChatGPT, enabling you to embed a chat widget on your website.

This integration takes place in the following scenarios:
– Upon installing the plugin, a code snippet will be automatically added to your WordPress site’s source code.
– This code snippet generates a chat widget that interacts with your visitors, addressing their inquiries and providing support. For instance, it can respond to questions from your visitors about order statuses and product stock availability.

= Third-party service details=
Service Name:
Service Website:
Service Terms of Use:
Service Privacy Policy:

Legal Compliance

It is important for us to be transparent about our use of third-party services in order to comply with legal requirements and to protect user privacy. By using OnChat, you acknowledge and agree to the terms of use and privacy policy of OnChat. Please review the terms of use and privacy policy of OnChat to understand how your data is handled and what rights you have regarding its use.


  1. Log into your WordPress admin panel
  2. Go to Plugins menu and click the „Add new Plugin“ button to upload the plugin
  3. Activate the OnChat plugin
  4. Go to Settings menu and add your OnChat chatbot ID

Nejčastější dotazy

How can I add my chatbot?

After installing the plugin you can easily add your chatbot by going to the settings menu on your WordPress dashboard and adding your chatbot’s id.

How much it will cost?

You can find details about OnChat pricing on the website.


Pro tento plugin nejsou žádné recenze.


OnChat je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.


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Zajímá vás vývoj?

Prohledejte kód, podívejte se do SVN repozitáře, nebo se přihlaste k odběru protokolu vývoje pomocí RSS.

Přehled změn


  • Initial version.