WordPress plugin which makes bbPress show the newest replies first in all forums
How do I use this plugin?
After you install this plugin and activate it, it will show the newest replies first in all forums
Installing the plugin
Installation is very easy. You can just download this plugin through the
Plugin Finder in your WordPress Administration Panel. Install and activate
the plugin to make bbPress sort the newest replies first.
Nejčastější dotazy
How can I contact you?
If you have questions about the plugin or if you have ideas to share, the best way to contact me is through the Support Forums
If you like this module and want to support and/or thank me, please buy me a coffee.
How can I report security bugs?
You can report security bugs through the Patchstack Vulnerability Disclosure Program.
The Patchstack team helps validate, triage and handle any security vulnerabilities.
Report a security vulnerability.
Pro tento plugin nejsou žádné recenze.
Newest replies first in bbPress je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
SpolupracovníciPřeložte “Newest replies first in bbPress” do svého jazyka.
Zajímá vás vývoj?
Prohledejte kód, podívejte se do SVN repozitáře, nebo se přihlaste k odběru protokolu vývoje pomocí RSS.
Přehled změn
1.0.2 | March 24, 2024
- Maintenance: WordPress 6.5 compatible
- Maintenance: Using tags for plugin releases (so it can be rollbacked when needed)
1.0.0 | August 1, 2020
- Initial release