Plugin nebyl testován na 3 nejnovějších verzích WordPressu. Nemusí už být tedy podporován a u novějších verzí WordPressu může mít problémy s kompatibilitou a může být nestabilní.



Find the post. Click “Edit post”. Activate the “Text” tab of your post.

To modify the title tag of your post, add a simple string into your post content:
<!—title=“your title“—> (See screenshot-1)

To modify the description tag of your post, add:
<!—description=“your description“—> (See screenshot-1)

IMPORTANT!!! Be sure after „<!“ characters you have two „-“ characters. It is similar to HTML comment tag.

Multilingual support

If some kind of multilingual plugins are active (for example Multilanguage by BestWebSoft) – you can define titles and descriptions in other way: (See screenshot-2)

English locale (United States)
<!—title_en_US=“your title“—>
<!—description_en_US=“your description“—>

Українська локаль
<!—title_uk=“Ваш заголовок“—>
<!—description_uk=“Ваш опис“—>

Русская локаль
<!—title_ru_RU=“Ваш заголовок“—>
<!—description_ru_RU=“Ваше описание“—>

Feedbacks are welcome. Visit

Snímky obrazovky

  • How to define title and description from post/page content
  • How to define multilanguage title and description from post/page content

Nejčastější dotazy

Is plugin compatible with Yoast SEO?

Yes, it’s compatible.

How to set up title and description for different languages?

<!–title_en_US=”your title”–>
<!–description_en_US=”your description”–>
<!–title_uk=”Ваш заголовок”–>
<!–description_uk=”Ваш опис”–>
<!—title_ru_RU=»Ваш заголовок»—>
<!—description_ru_RU=»Ваше описание»—>

I defined title and description like you said, but they are shown as default

Please check below points:
1. You defined title and description in the „Text“ tab of content editor.
2. Check the spelling of definitions: < ! – – „…….“ – – >
There should be NO SPACES between all definition characters.
3. Open your page in browser, open the source of page and find your title and description definitions. They should be there.


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MetaTagsFromContent je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
