Meta Box Text Limiter


Text Limiter is an extension for Meta Box plugin which allows you to limit number of characters or words entered for text, textarea and WYSIWYG fields.


To start using text limiter, just add the following parameters to text, textarea or wysiwyg fields:

'limit'      => 20, // Number of characters or words
'limit_type' => 'character', // Limit by 'character' or 'word'. Optional. Default is 'character'

Plugin Links


You need to install Meta Box plugin first

  • Go to Plugins | Add New and search for Meta Box
  • Click Install Now button to install the plugin
  • After installing, click Activate Plugin to activate the plugin

Install Meta Box Text Limiter extension

  • Go to Plugins | Add New and search for Meta Box Text Limiter
  • Click Install Now button to install the plugin
  • After installing, click Activate Plugin to activate the plugin

To start using text limiter, just add the following parameters to text or textarea fields:

'limit'      => 20, // Number of characters or words
'limit_type' => 'character', // Limit by 'character' or 'word'. Optional. Default is 'character'


Pro tento plugin nejsou žádné recenze.


Meta Box Text Limiter je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.


Plugin „Meta Box Text Limiter“ byl přeložen do 1 jazyku. Děkujeme všem překladatelům za jejich pomoc.

Přeložte “Meta Box Text Limiter” do svého jazyka.

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Přehled změn

1.2.0 – 2024-03-14

  • Add support for WYSIWYG field
  • Update the style

1.1.3 – 2021-04-24

  • Fix notice „Trying to access array offset“ (by checking field value if field not found).

1.1.2 – 2021-01-27

  • Fix input references which breaks the functionality.


  • Changed: Rewrite the JavaScript, making it work for cloneable groups.


  • Changed: Allow the plugin to be included in themes/plugins.


  • Fix: Multi-bytes characters are cut from the frontend.


  • Fix: Warning in helper function if using limit by character.


  • Improvement: Added front-end text-limiting functionality


  • First release