Extends the functionality of ‚Activity Plus Reloaded for BuddyPress‘ plugin, by adding tabs in a group for the uploaded Photos (images), Videos, Links and related widgets.
Requires Activity Plus Reloaded for BuddyPress plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/bp-activity-plus-reloaded/) to by installed.
Tested up to BuddyPress 11.0
Snímky obrazovky
- Upload plugin folder
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
Nejčastější dotazy
- How can I hide a tab or a widget?
Answer: The plugin uses the Activity Plus Reloaded for BuddyPress plugin’s settings, allowed items.
In case you want to hide more tabs or widgets or you have Activity Plus Reloaded for BuddyPress lower than version 1.0.8 you can:
– for hiding tabs use the filter ‚ls_bpfb_allowed_tabs‘
– for hiding widgets use the filter ‚ls_bpfb_allowed_widgets‘
Pro tento plugin nejsou žádné recenze.
LS Buddypress Activity plus tabs extension je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
SpolupracovníciPlugin „LS Buddypress Activity plus tabs extension“ byl přeložen do 1 jazyku. Děkujeme všem překladatelům za jejich pomoc.
Přeložte “LS Buddypress Activity plus tabs extension” do svého jazyka.
Zajímá vás vývoj?
Prohledejte kód, podívejte se do SVN repozitáře, nebo se přihlaste k odběru protokolu vývoje pomocí RSS.
Přehled změn
4.0 (27 January 2023)
- Compatibility check for WP 6.1.1 and BuddyPress 11.0
- Compatibility with Activity Plus Reloaded for BuddyPress plugin version 1.0.8
- New widgets for ‚Group Links‘, ‚Group Videos‘ and ‚Group Images‘
- Filters for hiding tabs (‚ls_bpfb_allowed_tabs‘) and widgets (‚ls_bpfb_allowed_widgets‘)
- Code optimization.
- Added ‚Requires plugin header‘
- Added compatibility with Activity Plus Reloaded for BuddyPress plugin
2.9.3 (23 November 2017)
- Compatibility fixes
2.9.2 (16 March 2017)
- Compatibility check for WP 4.7.3 and BuddyPress 2.8.2
2.9.1 (17 April 2015)
- Fix a typo which prevented the image tab to show up.
2.9 (6 April 2015)
- Add widget for current group
2.8 (17.11.2014)
- „Add new“ buttons added
2.7 (22.10.2013)
- Fix for not Buddypress ready themes
2.6 (22.10.2013)
- Fix some notices
2.5 (16.10.2013)
- Improved syntax for lighter mysql queries
2.4 (9.9.2013)
*Fix a typo
* Added FAQ how to hide a tab
2.3 (5.9.2013)
- Fix a bug which broke the RSS feeds
2.2 (13.8.2013)
- Fix a bug which occured when checking if buddypress activity plugin active
2.1 (9.8.2013)
- Remove parentheses from items count
2.0 (2.8.2013)
- Change visibility of tabs to private
- Fix a bug which displayed the tabs on the create group steps
1.0 (30.7.2013)
- Initial version