This is a simple widget you can use to display business contact information in a sidebar on your website. This contact information includes the Schema.org microdata markup of the LocalBusiness type. (http://schema.org/LocalBusiness)
Available Fields (all optional):
- Business Name
- Text Description
- Phone Number
- Fax Number
- Physical Street Address, City, State/Region, Postalcode and Country
- Text/HTML After Address
- Latitude and Longitude Coordinates
- Business Contact Email Address
- Business Website URL
- Business Hours (2 sets)
- Text/HTML Before
- Text/HTML After
Available Local Business Types (list from schema.org):
LocalBusiness, AnimalShelter, AutomotiveBusiness, AutoBodyShop, AutoDealer, AutoPartsStore, AutoRental, AutoRepair, AutoWash, GasStation, MotorcycleDealer, MotorcycleRepair, ChildCare, DryCleaningOrLaundry, EmergencyService, FireStation, Hospital, PoliceStation, EmploymentAgency, EntertainmentBusiness, AdultEntertainment, AmusementPark, ArtGallery, Casino, ComedyClub, MovieTheater, NightClub, FinancialService, AccountingService, AutomatedTeller, BankOrCreditUnion, InsuranceAgency, FoodEstablishment, Bakery, BarOrPub, Brewery, CafeOrCoffeeShop, FastFoodRestaurant, IceCreamShop, Restaurant, Winery, GovernmentOffice, PostOffice, HealthAndBeautyBusiness, BeautySalon, DaySpa, HairSalon, HealthClub, NailSalon, TattooParlor, HomeAndConstructionBusiness, Electrician, GeneralContractor, HVACBusiness, HousePainter, Locksmith, MovingCompany, Plumber, RoofingContractor, InternetCafe, Library, LodgingBusiness, BedAndBreakfast, Hostel, Hotel, Motel, MedicalOrganization, Dentist, DiagnosticLab, Hospital, MedicalClinic, Optician, Pharmacy, Physician, VeterinaryCare, ProfessionalService, AccountingService, Attorney, Dentist, Electrician, GeneralContractor, HousePainter, Locksmith, Notary, Plumber, RoofingContractor, RadioStation, RealEstateAgent, RecyclingCenter, SelfStorage, ShoppingCenter, SportsActivityLocation, BowlingAlley, ExerciseGym, GolfCourse, HealthClub, PublicSwimmingPool, SkiResort, SportsClub, StadiumOrArena, TennisComplex, Store, AutoPartsStore, BikeStore, BookStore, ClothingStore, ComputerStore, ConvenienceStore, DepartmentStore, ElectronicsStore, Florist, FurnitureStore, GardenStore, GroceryStore, HardwareStore, HobbyShop, HomeGoodsStore, JewelryStore, LiquorStore, MensClothingStore, MobilePhoneStore, MovieRentalStore, MusicStore, OfficeEquipmentStore, OutletStore, PawnShop, PetStore, ShoeStore, SportingGoodsStore, TireShop, ToyStore, WholesaleStore, TelevisionStation, TouristInformationCenter, TravelAgency
You can see this widget in action at http://mywpcms.com/local-business-microdata-widget/
Snímky obrazovky
- Upload the zip package via ‚Plugins > Add New > Upload‘ in your WP Admin OR Extract the zip package and upload the localbusiness-microdata-widget folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory via FTP
- Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins > Installed Plugins‘ section in WP Admin
The widget will now be available in ‚Appearance > Widgets > Availalbe Widgets‘. Simply drag the widget to a sidebar and enter the business contact information you would like to display.
Pro tento plugin nejsou žádné recenze.
Local Business Microdata Widget je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
SpolupracovníciPřeložte “Local Business Microdata Widget” do svého jazyka.
Zajímá vás vývoj?
Prohledejte kód, podívejte se do SVN repozitáře, nebo se přihlaste k odběru protokolu vývoje pomocí RSS.
Přehled změn
- Added field for specific Local Business type from Schema.org
- Added PaymentAccepted field
- Fixed business hours set 2 from showing when days not set
- Added label class to field labels
- Corrected localizing/internationalizing issues, THX Piet!
- Increased security: prevented direct access to the file, THX Piet!
- Added field to display after address
- Added country field to physical address
- Added business hours
- Added functionality to hide elements from display
- Improved readme, screenshots, typos, THX Bob Riley!
- Initial version.