Hide Admin Menu


This plugin gives the facility for hiding and showing the admin menu of the side and top bars.

This plugin gives an easy way to hide admin menus by checking the checkbox of a particular menu in the form and then submitting the form so that checked menus hide from the admin.

Admin also can hide menu according to the role of users.

Snímky obrazovky

  • This is the page of menu hide where the user can hide and show the admin menu.


  1. Upload hide-admin-menu to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
  3. Open Hide Menu from the menu bar and then check or tick mark those menus that you won’t hide from the admin bar.

Nejčastější dotazy

How can I show hide menus?

You can show the menu that is hidden by this plugin doing the uncheck those menus from the menu list in the form.

What should you do when you hide all the menus with this plugin?

You should open the below URL

Update the necessary setting to show any menu again by this URL.


27. 6. 2024
Great plugin! but I can’t hide the menu for the plugin „SHORTCODER“ because it is not shown!
20. 8. 2021 1 odpověď
Thank you so much for making this great and effective plugin and giving it out for free. a lot of paid plugins are not as effective and simple as this. Big kuddos to you guys.
Přečtěte si všech 12 recenzí


Hide Admin Menu je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.


Plugin „Hide Admin Menu“ byl přeložen do 8 jazyků. Děkujeme všem překladatelům za jejich pomoc.

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Přehled změn

  1. Solved some warnings and notices at the time of the save process at version WordPress 4.8.
  2. Solved 2 character error issue at the time of activation of the plugin and remove deprecate function on version 1.0.4
  3. Tested with WordPress 5.4.1
  4. Solved the error shown in the site health tools.
  5. Solved the issue of the session related to version 1.0.7. So please update the version of 1.0.8 which is the latest one.
  6. Removed the use of the $_SESSION of PHP and used the wp_session in version 1.0.9 to solve the session-related warning in the website.
  7. In version 1.1.0, solved the issue of not hiding the customized menu. Also removed unnecessary CSS for one class from the CSS file which conflicts with other CSS.
  8. In version 1.1.1, Tested with WordPress 6.2 and solved the warning related to the already sent content during the updating of the form.
  9. Version 1.1.2 is tested with WordPress 6.5.4.