Header Banner


Main Options:

  1. Banner Display:

    • Show Banner: Enable this option to display the banner on the site. (Default: off)
  2. Settings:

    • Close Button: Enable this option to display the close button on the banner. (Default: on)
    • Banner Version: Increase the banner version when making changes to its settings or content to ensure the updated banner is displayed to all visitors. (Default: 1)
  3. Styles:

    • Background Color: Select the banner background color. (Default: rgb(196,196,196))
    • Text Color: Select the banner text color. (Default: rgb(239,239,239))
    • Background Image: Upload a background image for the banner.
    • Banner Height (Desktop): Specify the banner height in pixels for desktop devices. (Min: 10, Max: 500, Step: 1, Default: 70)
    • Banner Height (Mobile): Specify the banner height in pixels for mobile devices. (Min: 10, Max: 500, Step: 1, Default: 50)
  4. Content:

    • Banner Text: Enter the text for the banner.
    • Banner Link: Enter the URL for the banner link.
    • Open Link in a New Tab: Enable this option to open the link in a new tab. (Default: on)
  5. Conditional Logic:

    • Show on: Select the posts on which the banner will be displayed.

This plugin allows you to quickly and easily customize the header banner of your website, providing flexibility and control over its appearance and behavior.

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Header Banner je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
