Tento plugin byl uzavřen, a je od 18. 12. 2024 nedostupný. Není již k dispozici ke stažení. Toto uzavření je dočasné. Čeká se na kompletní přezkum.
21. 3. 2017
Since 2014 Google Maps announced some changes to the usage of Maps.
This author just tries to sell the pro edition (which obviously also has the same issues).
Don’t install it.
8. 2. 2017
Broken controls on map, no stores display and location incorrectly detected as hundreds of miles south.
View our full review of Gwebpro Store Locator and other Store Locator Plugins.
7. 2. 2017
6 reviews all from August 7th giving 4+ stars… the reviewers have no other reviews. I won’t be installing for sure.
7. 2. 2017
Wow!! I have been looking for this kinda thing for a long time.. this stuff is kool…and I totally like the suggested list that pulls down on each search…great find !!!
7. 2. 2017
This is a great plugin for store locations with unique features.
7. 2. 2017
great job…….
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