This will provide generated API links and a dataset which will be useful to cross-platform developers to send data to WordPress.
- Users can generate form-wise API custom endpoint name.
- Users can easily copy API link and dataset to share with cross-platform developers.
- Refresh button provided to regenerate dataset when any changes are made in form fields.
- Dataset contains all required information related to fields used in Gravity Form.
- Support for png, jpg, jpeg, pdf, doc, and docx file type.
- Blog posts can be created using this plugin from cross-platform.
- Go to the particular gravity form setting tab, You will find Generate API tab.
- Enter the API name and click on Generate API button to create API and dataset.
- Copy API link and dataset to use on cross-platform.
- When any changes are made on Gravity Form, use Refresh Button in Generate API tab to regenerate the dataset.
Snímky obrazovky
Search for „Rest API For Cross Platform Support with Gravity Forms“ and install with that slick Plugins > Add New back-end page.
… OR …
Follow these steps:
Download archive.
Upload the zip file via the Plugins > Add New > Upload page … OR … unpack and upload with your favorite FTP client to the /plugins/ folder.
Activate the plugin on the Plug-ins page.
Add your client id from the setting page of the plugin.
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