Here is a plugin that allows your e-commerce site to float a customizable buy button at the bottom of your mobile screen after a certain scroll-depth that you enter (the default is 200). This should help you in your e-commerce conversions. The goal of the plugin is to help you improve e-commerce conversions on your mobile devices.
You can tweak the color, the button action — add to cart or buy now and more.
Please note:
1. The buy button will only be visible on mobile devices.
2. This is a plugin in beta phase; please give your feedback on the plugin forum on WordPress.org
Snímky obrazovky
Upload the WooCommerce Mobile Floating Buy Button plugin to your blog, Activate it, and configure the settings as per your need.
1, 2, 3: You’re done!
Nejčastější dotazy
- Installation Instructions
Upload the WooCommerce Mobile Floating Buy Button plugin to your blog, Activate it, and configure the settings as per your need.
1, 2, 3: You’re done!
Floating Quick Buy Button for WooCommerce je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
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Přehled změn
Beta version released!
Contributors to this version are: Nikhil, Prathamesh, Praful
Icon not visiable in admin setting issue fixed.
Conflict with Polylang plugin issue fixed.
Contributors to this version are: Nikhil, Praful
Button appeared in shop overview page – Fixed
Feature : Now you guys can have both add to cart and buy now buttons together.
Contributors to this version are: Nikhil, Praful