Plugin nebyl testován na 3 nejnovějších verzích WordPressu. Nemusí už být tedy podporován a u novějších verzí WordPressu může mít problémy s kompatibilitou a může být nestabilní.

Faltu Testimonial Rotator


This plugin will add a menu named „Testimonial“ in your admin panel and allow you to add testimonial with category support. You can embed „Testimonial Rotator“ via short-code everywhere in your site, even in your theme files.

Plugin Features

  • Shortcode System
  • WordPress Custom Post Enabled.
  • Fully Responsive.
  • Support Multiple Testimonial In One Page/Post.
  • Progress-bar Color Changeable Via Short-Code.
  • Progress-bar height Changeable Via Short-Code.
  • Rotating Speed Changeable Via Short-Code.
  • Testimonial Count Changeable Via shortcode.
  • Category Support in shortcode.
  • Very Lightweight, Only 10KB.
    & many More

All the above options are Changeable via short-code now.
I’ll add an option panel for this plugin soon. So you can change all the above options via option panel!!

Wanna see Live Preview? Click here:

Snímky obrazovky

  • Installed and working in my demo server.


Use WordPress ‚Add New Plugin‘ feature, searching Faltu Testimonial Rotator, or download the archive and:

  1. Unzip the archive on your computer.
  2. Upload faltu-testimonial-rotator directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress.
  4. Use short-code in page, post.
  5. If you want testimonial Rotator in your theme php file, Place
    <?php echo do_shortcode('YOUR_SHORTCODE'); ?> in your templates.


1. Genarel Testimonial

[testimonial id="1"]

1. Testimonial From Category

[testimonial id="2" category="1"]

3. Testimonial Count

[testimonial id="3" count="3"]

4. Change Rotate Speed

[testimonial id="4" speed="5000"]

5. Change Progrss-bar Color

[testimonial id="5" progress_color="red"]

6. Change Progrss-bar Height

[testimonial id="6" progress_height="3px"]

7. Change Order

[testimonial id="7" order_by="ASC"]

Nejčastější dotazy

How can I install this plugin?

You can install this plugin as like others regular wordpress plugin. No different way. Please see on installation tab.

Where I’ll get all the short-codes for this plugin?

Please see the short-codes on installation tab.

Does have this plugin option panel feature?

Currently this plugin doesn’t have option panel. I’ll add an option panel soon.

Does have this plugin a short-code button in the TinyMCE Editor?

Currently this plugin doesn’t have short-code button, you can copy the short-code example from installation tab and use it as your like.

I added two testimonial in my page/post. But, one is working on other one is not. What is my fault?

If you want to use one more testimonial rotator in a page/post, you need to be use an id for all the testimonial short-codes. For example

[testimonial id="1"]
[testimonial id="2" progress_color="red"]

Note: Off course the value of the „id“ will be unique.


Pro tento plugin nejsou žádné recenze.


Faltu Testimonial Rotator je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.


Přehled změn


  • Initial Release