Formerly „Facebook Page Like Widget“.
Považujete tento plugin za přínosný? Prosím zvažte zanechání 5hvězdičkového hodnocení.
Zjednodušil vám tento plugin život? Prosím zvažte možnost daru.
One of the most popular & lightweight plugin for Facebook page feeds widget with over 1.5 Million downloads and 80,000+ active installs.
How to use latest version 6.4:
How to use older versions:
Please subscribe to my YouTube channel for more technical videos.
Tento widget vám nabízí nejjednodušší a lákavý způsob zobrazit Facebook Like v postranním panelu vašeho WordPress webu.
Proč byste si měli zvolit z mnoha pluginů právě Facebook Page Like Widget?
- Zabírající málo místa a snadno konfigurovatelný
- Add application id from your created Facebook application (Or you may use default application id), add it into widget & also URL of your Facebook page.
- Configuration options like show/hide posts from timeline, show/hide cover, show/hide profile photos , show small header, width options, language selection, custom css.
- Shortcode support.
- Rychlá a nápomocná podpora.
It supports short code, open your Post or Page, Add [fb_widget] into Post or Page, Save it. You are done. Check FAQ for more Shortcode options.
Paid Support
If you need my help with installation / configurations / issues with my plugin, reach me at below for paid support,
- Gmail : cemilap.88@gmail.com
- Blog : https://patelmilap.wordpress.com/contact-me/
- Skype : milap_for_skype
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/milap112
Vynaložím veškeré úsilí, abych vám odpověděl během 1 pracovního dne.
If you loved my plugin & support, please leave your review Here , so people can use it with confidence.
Recommended Plugins
The following plugins are recommended for users:
- Ultimate Twitter Feeds With Ultimate Twitter Feeds Widget, you can display your Twitter Profile feeds, Profile List Feeds and Single Tweet on your website quickly.
Privacy Notices
With the default configuration, this plugin, in itself, does not:
- use cookies.
- track users by stealth.
- write any user personal data to the database.
- send any data to external servers.
Snímky obrazovky
Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page.
Pro více podrobností
Nejčastější dotazy
How to use Shortcode ?
- You can use below Shortcode in Post or Page.
[fb_widget fb_url=’http://www.facebook.com/Instagram‘]
You can use more parameters like below.
[fb_widget fb_url=’http://www.facebook.com/Instagram‘ width=’500′ height=’450′ data_small_header=’false‘ select_lng=’ru_RU‘ data_adapt_container_width=’false‘ data_hide_cover=’false‘ data_show_facepile=’false‘ data_tabs=’timeline, messages, events‘ data_lazy=’true‘]
- You can use below Shortcode in Post or Page.
Widget nefunguje v prohlížeči Mozilla Firefox
- If widget works great in all browsers except Mozilla Firefox, You must press the settings off „Use protection against tracking in private window“, its security settings for Mozilla, nothing to do with my plugin.
How do I sign up for a Facebook application ID for my website
- You may create a new Facebook application or edit your existing Facebook application through the Facebook Developers application interface. You need to signup for a Facebook Developer account first.
I am not sure how to get Facebook application ID ?
- If you are not able to create Facebook application or you do not know how to do that, do not worry, you can use my default application id
. I have created it for plugin users and it should work like a charm for you.
- If you are not able to create Facebook application or you do not know how to do that, do not worry, you can use my default application id
Do I need a Facebook application ID to get this plugin to work? ?
- Starting from plugin version 6.4, you no longer need a Facebook application ID to make this plugin work.
Funguje to v jednom systému, nefunguje v jiném?
- If it is working in some system & not working with other system, there are 2 possibilities :
1) Anti virus of your computer can stop my widget loading. Some of my widget users had same problem in past. You can check with disable your anti virus temporarily.
2) Your browser has some ad block extension installed that may cause stop my plugin loading.
- If it is working in some system & not working with other system, there are 2 possibilities :
Widget for Social Page Feeds je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
SpolupracovníciPlugin „Widget for Social Page Feeds“ byl přeložen do 13 jazyků. Děkujeme všem překladatelům za jejich pomoc.
Přeložte “Widget for Social Page Feeds” do svého jazyka.
Zajímá vás vývoj?
Prohledejte kód, podívejte se do SVN repozitáře, nebo se přihlaste k odběru protokolu vývoje pomocí RSS.
Přehled změn
Version 6.4
- Removed the Custom CSS option from widget settings, as WordPress now includes its own Custom CSS option.
Version 6.3
- Major code updates.
- Removed application id from code and configuration.
- Optimized code.
- Added support up to WordPress version 6.4.2.
- Added support up to PHP version 8.1.12.
Version 6.2
- Removed deprecated data-show-posts parameter.
- Fixed fatal error while adding widget from Widget Area.
- Added data_lazy parameter for lazy loading option.
Version 6.0
- Added code for Review link notice in admin.
- Fixed code readability.
- Optimalizace kódu
Version 5.1
- Fixed Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Vulnerability with plugin Shortcode.
Version 5.0
- Added support for 3 feed type options (timeline, events, messages).
Version 4.2.3
- Přidána podpora pro PHP 7.2
- Removed Deprecated: Function create_function() error for PHP 7.2.
Version 4.2.2
- Solved Shortcode issue with attributes.
- Code Optimization.
Version 4.2.1
- Updated few default values for Widget.
- Added placeholders in widget settings.
- Optimalizace kódu
Version 4.2
- Facebook has deprecated language URL, so now added static json file to read languages.
Version 4.1
- Now you can add individual widget into Page or Post using shortcode.
Version 4.0
- Changes in code to make plugin compatible for Translation.
Version 3.1
- Removed offset warning for language dropdown.
Version 3.0
- Plugin updated to Facebook Graph API v2.3.
- Removed old options like show/hide border, color scheme.
- Removed notices and warnings.
- Added unclosed div.
Version 2.3
- Added options like Border, Language and custom CSS to shortcode function.
Version 2.2
- Added support for localization (Multilanguage support)(Added .pot file)
- Added option to add custom css for widget
- Added option to select language to show your Facebook Page Feeds in any language you want.
Version 2.1
- Added option to show or hide border from widget
- Added default values to all needed fields while you setup widget, it will help you.