An easy to use plugin to add some theme features missing from Divi theme.
See all included options here: https://wajba.club/ed/home/
Pre-Loader :
A nice animated loader image (of your chosen) spinning while your page is loading.
Font Awesome :
Use font icons inline with your text.
Lightbox :
Opens the images in posts/pages in a lightbox.
Coming Soon Mode :
Redirect all your traffic to one page, while you -as admin- can see and design the site.
Archive Blog Style :
Sets a „grid“ or a „list“ blog style to categories, tags, search and archive pages.
Author Box :
Adds the author bio below posts with social icons.
Single Post Pagination :
Adds a pagination (next/previous) below posts.
Related Posts :
Shows related posts below posts (by category or by tag).
Single Post Tags :
Shows the post tags below post or in the post meta.
Sidebar Removal :
A way to remove the sidebar globally, on archive or posts.
Social Share Icons :
Adds social network buttons below posts, a shortcode is also available to add the icons anywhere on the site.
You can choose which icons to show, current supported social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, WhatsApp, Linkedin, Reddit, Gmail, Email.
Social Follow Icons :
A shortcode to add social follow icons anywhere on the site.
You can choose which icons to show, you can also add a text/followers count. Current supported social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Email, Linkedin, Instagram, WhatsApp, RSS, Soundcloud.
Change login page’s wp logo and URL :
A way to add your own logo image and link to redirect to on the WP login page.
Add terms of service checkbox to register form :
Users will have to agree to your TOS before registering.
Divi Builder shortcode :
Use Divi Builder’s items (layouts, sections…) anywhere on your site with a shortcode.
Recent Posts Widget :
You can choose which post type, the order (latest, random, popularity… etc) and the number of posts to show.
Twitter Feed Widget :
Display x number of the latest tweets.
Contact Info Widget :
A way to display the site info in a widget, show contact details with icons.
Snímky obrazovky
- Upload the plugin files to the
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. - Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ screen in WordPress
- Use the Settings->Tools->Expand Divi screen to configure the plugin.
- Go to Appearance->Widgets to add Expand Divi widgets.
Expand Divi je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
SpolupracovníciPřeložte “Expand Divi” do svého jazyka.
Zajímá vás vývoj?
Prohledejte kód, podívejte se do SVN repozitáře, nebo se přihlaste k odběru protokolu vývoje pomocí RSS.
Přehled změn
- Added option to change login page’s logo image and URL.
- Added option to enable terms of service checkbox to register page.
- Added ability to use Divi library items anywhere with a shortcode.
- Updated FontAwesome to 5.0.12.
- Updated POT file.
- Miner changes in author box styles (responsive).
- Author box name linking to author page.
- Added social links to author box.
- Added rounded images option to recent posts widget.
- Added list blog style to archive pages.
- Added shortcode for social follow icons.
- Added icons and animation to social share buttons.
- Added WhatsApp to social share.
- Added order (ASC and DESC) and orderby (date, title, random, popularity) to recent posts widget.
- Added contact info widget.
- Style changes in the page options.
- Fix issue with lightbox apply to images in the Divi builder.
- Fix issue with FontAwesome style file loading twice (if it’s already loaded by other
- Added list blog style to archive pages.
- Added shortcode for social follow icons.
- Added icons and animation to social share buttons.
- Added WhatsApp to social share.
- Added order (ASC and DESC) and orderby (date, title, random, popularity) to recent posts widget.
- Added contact info widget.
- Fix issue with lightbox apply to images in the Divi builder.
- Fix issue with FontAwesome style file loading twice (if it’s already loaded by other plugins).
- Fixing some “Undefined variable” notices.
- Fixing a bug where content is missing when there’s no tags for the post, and the display tags option is enabled.
- Add Coming soon mode.
- Now you can set a loader image of your chosen for the preloader.
- Fixing „Undefined variable“ notices.
- Fixing preloader stuck on the new back end builder.
- Fixing „Undefined variable“ notices.
- Added lightbox for posts and pages.
- initial release.