Limit the number of login attempts by ip address. By default, user can try brute force username and password from login page with unlimited attempts. This plugin help you by hiding login form after some failed logins in a short period of time from an ip address. The Unlock form will show up to help real users to unlock only their ip address immediately if their ip address range locked.
* Limit the number of failed logins in a short period of time before the ip address range locked.
* Send email notification to the admin when a user locked out (customized)
* Show unlock form to help real user to unlock only their ip address.
* Send email notification with unlock key (customized)
Snímky obrazovky
- Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/prevent-brute-force-login directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
- Activate the plugin through the Plugins screen in WordPress
- Use the Settings->Prevent Brute Force to configure the plugin
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Přehled změn
* Fix fatal error when unlock lockdown.
* Able to lockdown localhost for testing.
* Fix some fatal errors.
* Fix code standard.
* Initial Release.