

Tento plugin byl uzavřen, a je od 28. 10. 2024 nedostupný. Není již k dispozici ke stažení. Důvod: Porušení pravidel.


21. 7. 2021 1 odpověď
Glad to find that the built in currency switcher is finally fixed, I need this option. Not everyone use dollars in their stores.
14. 7. 2021 1 odpověď
imitation of an affiliate network.
10. 8. 2020
I downloaded Dropshipme and install it on my site, but no free imports were added to my store. I immediately wrote to support, where they helped me solve this problem by looking at my store. Thanks, team! Imports were added, now I use the plugin and love the simplicity and design of your product.
25. 6. 2020
I’m using it on several stores. Recommended prices for products sometimes are too high, so I edit them, but its not a problem. Taken all round it’s useful.
22. 5. 2020
A lot of problems for scandinavians with currency unlike USD. We also use , as a decimal delimiter which creates problems. At the same time AliDrop are running a discount on several products and the conversion from Ali through DropShipMe is not correct. Worst of all is still that they will not acknowledge there is a problem. I have now received 20+ mails from „Julia“ saying it is no problem – and I show them the mapping problems between Ali and down to my netshop. This is bad!!!
20. 4. 2020
I am just a beginner in ecommerece. This plugin helps greatly. Saves time for searching and editing products. Nice interface.
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Plugin „DropshipMe“ byl přeložen do 1 jazyku. Děkujeme všem překladatelům za jejich pomoc.

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