This plugin will help the user to add a drop-down-custom-taxonomy box with the help of small code on his desired location.
just place this small code into your theme file and the drop-down box will appear on that page
for example, if you want to display it on home page,
then navigate to index.php, the inside that put this code, if you want to display the custom taxonomies, then just replace category with your custom taxonomy name.
- Download
- Unzip the package and upload to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
- Log into WordPress and navigate to the „Plugins“ panel.
- Activate the plugin.
- If you want to put the drop-down box on the home-page then goto your index.php file and add this code without quotes
replace „category“ with the name of your custom taxonomy
You can find the example demo on this website http://mbas.in
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Přehled změn
- Original Release – Works With: wp 3.0.3.