Donation or Tip For Woocommerce This plugin allow you to add donation or tip on cart page and checkout page.this plugin provides you two options to donation amount.The plugin accepts adding predefined values.
- Easy to use
- Enabled/Disabled donation field
- customize donation title
- Donation field two option prefined value and text field
- Select predefined amount – percentage(%) amount and fixed amount
- Enabled/Disabled donation field on cart and checkout page
- Enabled/Disabled other option for predefine value
- Change donation field position on cart and checkout page
- Enabled/Disabled donation remove button
- Customize all button text
- Customize all button background color and text color
- Enabled/Disabled donation amount on order view table
- Two style for predefined value field – buttons and dropdown
- Customize all text font size
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Donation or Tip For Woocommerce je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
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