Dokan Menu Hider for Dokan plugin.
You have to install Dokan Lite plugin or you can get the Pro Version to run this plugin
Manage seller dashboard menu or product tab
* Disable vendor dashboard menu
Author: @nayemDevs
Follow me on @twitter
- Hide seller dashboard menu from vendor dashboard
- Select multiple menu to hide from the dashboard
How to use Dokan Menu Hider
- Install Dokan plugin
- Then Install Dokan Menu Hider
- After installing, Please navigate to Wp admin-> Dokan->Settings->Selling Options. In this
tab you will get the option- Hide Vendor Dashboard Menu.
Nejčastější dotazy
Q: What is the initial requirement to use this plugin?
A: You need to install Dokan WooCommerce multivendor plugin in your site.
Q: Does this plugin support all theme?
A: Yes.
Dokan Menu Hider je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
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Přehled změn
v0.1 released!
v1.0 (16 March, 2016)
- [fixed]- Few options were gone from the Dokan settings.
- [fixed]- Settings panel modified
v1.1 released!
- Fixed overriding issue with Dokan plugin
v2.0 (07 July, 2018)
- [new]- Now you can hide multiple menus from the vendor dashboard
- [fixed] – Changed the word seller to vendor
=v2.1 (08 July, 2018) =
* [fixed] – Settings saving issue solved!
=v2.2 (02 Nov, 2018) =
* [New] – Added vendor staff menu to hide
=v2.3 (04 Dec, 208)=
* [New] – Added store settings menu to hide
=v2.4 (28 Jan, 2019)=
* [New] – Added admin notice
=v2.5 (04 Nov, 2019)=
* [New] – Added RMA menu
=v2.5.1 (09 April, 2020)=
* [Tweak] – Removed WooToolkit add
=v2.5.2 (13 September, 2020)=
* Compatibility with WordPress 5.5
=v2.5.3 (11 Feb, 2022)=
* Compatibility with WordPress 5.9