Integrates with the Disqus API to show your most popular threads (most commented posts). Can be added via sidebar widget, template tag, or shortcode.
For more information or to request additional features, please visit the plugin page
Snímky obrazovky
Upload the plugin to your ‚wp-content/plugins‘ directory, or download and install automatically through your admin panel.
Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress.
Visit the plugin admin page via Settings -> Disqus Settings
You’ll need to add your Disqus Public API Key, Forum ID (Disqus Site Shortname), and Domain Info. For information on obtaining your Disqus API Key, visit the plugin homepage.
To Display Disqus Popular Threads Via WordPress Widget
From your admin console, go to Appeareance > Widgets, drag the Disqus Popular Threads Widget to wherever you want it to be and click on Save.
To Display Disqus Popular Threads Via Shortcode
[wdp_threads days_back = '7d' show_threads = 5 ]
To Display Disqus Popular Threads Via Template Tag
<?php wdp_get_threads( $days_back = '7d', $show_threads = 5, $echo = true ); ?>
Days Back – ‚1h‘, ‚6h‘, ’12h‘, ‚1d‘, ‚3d‘, ‚7d‘, ’30d‘, ’90d‘
Number of Threads – # of posts to return
Nejčastější dotazy
- Where can I get more information about using Disqus Popular Threads Widget?
See the plugin homepage.
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Zajímá vás vývoj?
Prohledejte kód, podívejte se do SVN repozitáře, nebo se přihlaste k odběru protokolu vývoje pomocí RSS.
Přehled změn
Addressed issue with the comment count not matching.
API was returning the slug in some cases. Checking for those cases.
First public release March 2013