Allows you to discourage search engines by url to prevent you from forgetting to turn off the „Search Engine Visibility“ setting when going between development and live instances.
- A field to enter in as many domains as needed
- An icon in the admin bar to display if the current page is indexable for convenience and debugging
- A checkbox to hide the icon in the admin bar
- Go to Settings > Reading
- Make sure „Search Engine Visibility“ is unchecked
- Add your development environment URL(s) or any url you want to be not indexable. You can do partial urls such as „staging.“ to cover all staging. subdomains.
- Hover the eye icon in the admin bar to make sure it is set up correctly.
For Example: if my live site was google.com and my development site was dev.google.com I would enter dev.google.com in the field.
Installation & Activation
- Upload the folder „discourage-search-engines-by-url“ to your WordPress Plugins Directory (typically „/wp-content/plugins/“)
- Activate the plugin on your Plugins Page.
- Done!
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Přehled změn
- Trim URLs for a better experience
- Added support for php 5.2