You can bulid popup with any layout in drag&drop way, change its position and trigger event in few clicks.
You can also set conditions for show the popups.
Use of this custom popup builder customize the popup, mange trigger events,also select pre built six type of apperance layout of popup.
There are six type of apperance layout provided by this custom popup builder
1. Classic
2. Slide In
3. Bar
4. Bordeing
5. Full Width
6. Full View
Also this plugin proivde animation effect for popups
1. Fade
2. Zoom In
3. Zoom Out
4. Move Up
5. Bounce In
6. Bounce Out
7. Slide In Up
8. Slide In Down
9. Slide In Left
10. Slide In Right
11. Horizental Flip
12. Vertical Flip
13. Rotate
- Upload „custom-popup-bulider“ folder to the „/wp-content/plugins/“ directory.
- Activate the plugin through the „Plugins“ menu in WordPress.
- Place „do_action( ‚plugin_name_hook‘ );“ in your templates.
Pro tento plugin nejsou žádné recenze.
Custom Popup Builder for Elementor je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
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Přehled změn
- Initial release.