Plugin nebyl testován na 3 nejnovějších verzích WordPressu. Nemusí už být tedy podporován a u novějších verzí WordPressu může mít problémy s kompatibilitou a může být nestabilní.

Zedna Custom Dashboard Messages


You can write a main message, visible to everybody in dashboard widget. You can also write a bunch of messages in different dashboard widget, visible for all users with rights.
Admin can read and write all the messages and setup user roles, who can read and write custom messages.

Snímky obrazovky

  • Nástěnkové zprávy
  • Role select for Dashboard message
  • Role select for Main message


  1. Nahrajte custom-dashboard-messages složku do /wp-content/plugins/ adresáře
  2. Aktivujte plugin v menu Pluginy ve WordPressu

Nejčastější dotazy

Mohu psát více hlavních zpráv?

Ne, protože hlavní zpráva je uložena jako nastavení webu, takže aby plugin nezatěžoval databázi, je zde pouze jedna.


7. 8. 2020 1 odpověď
All users can see plugin and make changes….not good. There should be restrictions so that only admins can see the plugin. When that change is made I will give the plugin a higher rating.
22. 1. 2019 1 odpověď
This plugin needs roles. Currently all users can edit the dashboard messages. This is not very handy.
8. 12. 2018
Client can see a running log of services performed on the dashboard when they login. Reassures them that the website IS monitored and maintained without bothersome emails that get scattered over time. For this purpose I do not use the title field to give a more condensed look. Yes, such log could be maintained on a private page but that requires client to seek it out. This is a more gentle yet persistent way of keeping them informed (for clients who DO occasionally login to the dashboard). On my personal website I also post reminders-to-self about ideas to keep on the front burner, and critical renewal dates relevant to that site. Could wish for a few tweaking options but simple and effective as-is. Much appreciation for this plugin. More will use it once they know about it. Please keep it qualified for the repository! Thank you!
5. 10. 2016
This is a very, VERY useful plugin if you are handing a site over to a customer and want to leave some basic instructions or reminders on their dashboard. Thanks developer!
Přečtěte si všech 5 recenzí


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Přehled změn


  • Remove php warning


  • Backwards compatibility


  • Added user role management for main and custom messages


  • Jazyková podpora


  • Přidána možnost nahrát obrázek do lišty se zprávou
  • Opravena kompatibilita s PHP7


  • První verze