This plugin adds an informational page to the Tools menu, which displays all tasks scheduled to run by WP-Cron process.
This is an updated and improved version of the (seemingly abandoned) plugin Cron Tasks Viewer by Dr. Max V.
- Download the plugin.
- Go to your WordPress Site’s Plugins > Add New page.
- Click the Upload Plugin button.
- Browse for the zip file you downloaded, and click Install Now.
- Activate the plugin.
4. 4. 2023
Helped me quickly confirm that my custom plugin code was registering correctly.
Cron Tasks Viewer je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
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Přehled změn
Simpler name.
Update for current version of WordPress, add table of known cron intervals, and remove superfluous files.
Initial release by drmaxim