Automatically import Coupons & Deals from popular Affiliate Networks into your WordPress Coupon Website.
- Get Coupons & Deals from popular Affiliate Networks
- Automatically updates your Website with new/modified/deleted offers in every 1 Hour
- No revenue sharing. Adds YOUR Affiliate IDs to all Landing Page URLs
- Map names of Stores & Categories as per your website
- Option to manually bulk-import your own Coupons & Deals
Supported Themes
- ClipMyDeals Coupon + Cashback Theme
- Rehub (ReDeal Child Theme)
- CouponXL
- CouponXXL
- CouponWP
- Couponer
- Couponis
- Coupon by MyThemeShop
- PremiumPress
- Clipper
- CouponHut
- CouponMart
- WP-Coupon-Pro
- CouponPress by Coupon Themes
- All WordPress Themes
This plugin makes API calls to CouponAPI.org. It uses your API Key to fetch the latest coupons & deals. Please visit CouponAPI.org to understand the details of all Features. Also read the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use carefully.
In case of queries, drop an email to help@couponapi.org
- Install any of the supported Coupon Themes.
- Download this plugin (.zip file) and extract it in wp-content/plugins/ directory.
- Activate the Plugin from Plugins page in Admin Panel
- Create an account on CouponAPI.org, and get your API Key.
- Go to WordPress > Coupon API, and enter your API Key
- Click on Save
- The plugin will pull the latest offers whenever you click on the „Fetch New Feed“ button.
- If everything is working fine, you can set the plugin to automatically pull new offers every hour. Just enable the „Auto-Pilot“ option and click save.
Coupon API je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
SpolupracovníciPřeložte “Coupon API” do svého jazyka.
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