Plugin nebyl testován na 3 nejnovějších verzích WordPressu. Nemusí už být tedy podporován a u novějších verzí WordPressu může mít problémy s kompatibilitou a může být nestabilní.

Cookie Warning


To comply with the May 2011 EU cookie law whose enforcement will start in May 2012 for UK website owners, this plugin welcomes your first time visitors with
a custom message asking for their consent using cookies on your website and redirects them out of your site if they disagree. It is a solution that strictly
complies with the law.

You can customize the message displayed as well as the text of the ‚I agree‘ button and of the ‚I disagree‘ link.

This plugin was written with the EU cookie law in mind but can be used for any terms and conditions you need your visitors to approve before
viewing your site.

User guide

To customize the message displayed

Go to Settings > Cookie Warning. On that page, you will be able to change: the message displayed, the redirect link – when visitors do not accept the cookies,
the wording of the ‚Accept‘ button and ‚Do not accept‘ link.

Snímky obrazovky

  • Cookie warning message on first visit
  • Cookie warning options page


The easy way

  1. Download the plugin – it will come as a .zip file
  2. Log in to your WordPress dashboard
  3. Go to Plugins > Add new
  4. Under the Install Plugins header, click Upload
  5. Click the Choose File button, browse your computer to find the .zip file downloaded at step 1, click Install now
  6. Click the Activate plugin link

The show off way

  1. Download the plugin .zip file
  2. Unzip the file
  3. Upload the cookie-warning directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  4. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress

Nejčastější dotazy

How can I preview the changes I make to my cookie warning message?

The point is to display the message on the user’s first visit only, which makes it tricky to preview the changes you make to the cookie warning message…
Two ways around that:

  1. View your site in a web browser with which you haven’t viewed the site yet.
  2. Clear your browser of cookies – I know… Any website feature that requires the discrimination between first time and returning visitor needs to rely on… cookies! Hopefully
    the EU law makes that use of cookies legal. It’s just one of its many inconsistencies!!
Where do I go to report bugs and for complaints, moans, suggestions or to sing your praises?

Just send an email to info at majweb dot co dot uk


7. 2. 2017
So some bureaucrat decided that websites need to show some spiel on their websites that a user is being tracked. This law is as ridiculous as having a warning on rat poison that you can only see after you have eaten the rat poison! But that being said, this cookie works well. I had it on my website but I have disabled it for the time being as I’m not sure if I really need to be telling people they are in a trap after they have entered the trap.
Přečtěte si všech 5 recenzí


Cookie Warning je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.


Přehled změn


  • Fixed cookie clearing bug.


  • Fix bug on iPhone.


  • Doesn’t add ‚#‘ to the url anymore when user approves or rejects message.


  • Message doesn’t appear at all for users who disabled cookies in their browser


  • Corrected incompatibility with a series of gallery/slideshow plugins and themes


  • Corrected bug so that notification is displayed only once; used to work only of home page visited first.
    A big thank you to Theo Chung of for reporting the bug and to John Jameson of for reporting it and offering a solution!