You can link your ProfilePress website to your Discord server using this add-on. By connecting membership plans to a Discord role, you can use this to establish a wonderful community where you can challenge and support your customers.
Connect ProfilePress to Discord Plugin Features:
1) Allow any user to connect their discord account with their ProfilePress website account.
2) Shortcode [ets_ppress_discord] to display connect/disconnect button.
3) Mapping of Membership plans and discord roles.
4) Send custom welcome message when user joins the server.
5) Send custom Thank You Purchase message.
6) Send Cancelled subscription Message.
7) Send Expired subscription Message.
8) Force logout of a user from the users list.
Important Links
Checkout Our Other Plugins
- Connect MemberPress and Discord
- Connect PaidmembershipPro and Discord
- Connect LearnPress and Discord
- Connect LearnDash and Discord
- Connect LifterLMS and Discord
- Webhook For WCFM Vendors
- Inspect HTTP Requests
- Product Questions & Answers for WooCommerce
- Connect Ultimate Member and Discord
- Connect BadgeOS and Discord
- Connect Eduma Theme and Discord
- Connect Restrict Content Pro and Discord Addon
- Connect GamiPress and Discord
Snímky obrazovky
Download, Install and Activate!
- Go to Plugins > Add New to find and install Connect ProfilePress and Discord.
- Or, download the latest version of the plugin, then go to Plugins > Add New and click the „Upload Plugin“ button to upload your .zip file.
- Activate the plugin.
Nejčastější dotazy
I’m getting an error in error Log ‚Missing Access‘
Please make sure your bot role has the high priority among all other roles your bot has to manager in your discord server roles settings.
Role Settings is not appearing.
- Clear browser cache, to uninstall and install again.
- Try the disabling cache
- Try Disabling other plugins, there may be any conflict with another plugin.
Members are not being added spontaneously.
- Due to the nature of Discord API, we have to use schedules to precisely control API calls, This is the reason actions are delayed.
Member roles are not being assigned spontaneously.
- Due to the nature of Discord API, we have to use schedules to precisely control API calls, This is the reason actions are delayed.
Some members are not getting their role and there is no error in the log.
- Sometimes discord API behaves weirdly, It is suggested to TRY again OR use another discord account.
Pro tento plugin nejsou žádné recenze.
Connect ProfilePress and Discord je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
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