This plugin allows you to change the WooCommerce Price Title. For e.g From: $100.
You can completely change price title or set caption to price using PRICE shortcode.
Also, they have ability to change/hide price title on individual WooCommerce Product page OR on all WooCommerce pages.
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Method 1:
- Download the plugin change-wc-price-title.zip
- Unpack the change-wc-price-title.zip file and extract the change-wc-price-title folder
- Upload the plugin folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
- Go to WordPress dashboard, click on Plugins from the menu
- Locate the Change Price Title for WooCommerce and click on Activate link to activate the plugin.
Method 2:
- Download the plugin change-wc-price-title.zip
- Go to WordPress Dashboard-Plugins-Add New
- Click on Upload Plugin link from top
- Upload the downloaded change-wc-price-title.zip file and click on Install Now
- After installation, click on Activate Plugin link to activate the plugin.
Change Price Title for WooCommerce je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
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Přehled změn
2.6 (19.10.2024)
- Compatibility with WordPress 6.6.2 & WooCommerce 9.3.3.
- PHPCS related changes.
- Some code improvements.
- Updated Freemius SDK.
2.5 (17.04.2024)
- Fix: JS file URL.
- Updated plugin translation files.
- Compatibility with WordPress 6.5 & WooCommerce 8.7.0
2.4 (05.01.2024)
- Fix: Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability.
2.3 (08.07.2023)
- Fix: Incompatibility notice was being shown on the Features page of WooCommerce.
2.2 (08.07.2023)
- Compatibility with HPOS and WooCommerce 7.8
- Compatibility with WordPress 6.2
2.1 (30.04.2022)
- Security Update.
2.0 (29.01.2022)
Compatibility with v5.9 of WordPress.
Compatibility with v6.0 and higher of WooCommerce.
1.9 (25.03.2021)
- Security Update.
1.8 (13.02.2021)
- Compatibility issue with v5.6 WordPress – Editor stopped working when the plugin was active.
1.7 (28.08.2020)
- Compatibility v4.4 WooCommerce
1.6 (23.06.2020)
- Compatibility v4.2 WooCommerce
1.5 (18.04.2020)
- Freemius SDK Integration
1.4 (16.04.2020)
- Compatibility with v4.0 of WooCommerce
- Localization
- WPCS compliance
1.3 (31.09.2019)
* Added option to show price multiply by quantity.
* Price was being multiplied in the mini cart.
1.2 (30.09.2018)
* Price amount will be updated as per the selected quantity.
* Fixed the warnings which were being appeared on the admin end.
1.1 (30.07.2017)
* Added option to hide price title.
* Ability to change/hide price only on Product Page or All WooCommerce page.
* You can set/hide price title for all WooCommerce product.
1.0 (24.06.2017)
- Initial release.