Buy Button for WooCommerce is a plugin that can create Buy Now buttons for WooCommerce products. The buttons can be placed on a page with shortcodes. When a visitor clicks on a Buy Now button, they will be redirected to the checkout page to pay for the product.
To create a quick buy button, you need to use the following shortcode:
[buy_button_wc id="1"]
Replace 1 with your WooCommerce product id.
Button Text
The default text for the button is „Buy Now“. You can customize it using the „button_text“ parameter (optional).
[buy_button_wc id="1" button_text="Pay Now"]
The „class“ parameter can be used to add custom CSS classes to a button (optional).
[buy_button_wc id="1" class="btn1"]
[buy_button_wc id="1" class="btn1 btn2"]
[buy_button_wc id="1" class="btn1 btn2 btn3"]
For detailed documentation please visit the WooCommerce Buy Now Button Plugin page.
Snímky obrazovky
- Go to the Add New plugins screen in your WordPress Dashboard
- Click the upload tab
- Browse for the plugin file (buy-button-for-woocommerce.zip) on your computer
- Click „Install Now“ and then hit the activate button
Nejčastější dotazy
Buy Button for WooCommerce je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
SpolupracovníciPřeložte “Buy Button for WooCommerce” do svého jazyka.
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Přehled změn
- Added support for custom CSS classes.
- First commit