This is a plugin aimed at BP users that do not use a theme specifically built for BP, for those that have the basic list provided by BP and want to make this look a lot more professional. It’s also aimed at those of you who know how to use CSS to turn this into a grid but find the results disappointing in that this technique fails to provide a uniform grid due to the squares being of inconsistent length.
What’s required is some nifty JavaScript that makes sure the grid squares are uniform that works with either Legacy or Nouveau themes – That’s where BP Directory Views comes in.
This is a pretty simple plugin that extends the work done by Hugo – hnla with his Style Modules work. This original code has been extended so that it resizes the grid tiles to uniform length every time the directory view changes.
Snímky obrazovky
BP Directory Views je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
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Přehled změn
- Fix, corrected missing dependencies for BP Nouveau theme.
- Fix, corrected missing dependencies for BP Legacy theme.
Update: Increased tested to version.
Fix: corrected group description positioning for generatePress theme.
Fix: Corrected error causing issue with BP Members, Friends and Groups widget link spacing
- initial release