Adds W3Counter’s free web stats to your WordPress dashboard. W3Counter is completely
free for life, and offers dozens of reports about your website traffic, all updated in
Requires a free web stats account from W3Counter.com.
Here are some of the reports you’ll find:
- Daily, weekly and monthly visits and page views
- Top countries and top languages
- Recent visitor details including IP addresses, locations, browser and OS info
- Top pages linking to your site
- Top searches driving traffic to your site
- Your most popular posts
- Time on site and bounce rate
- Most popular browsers, operating systems and screen sizes on your site
Sign up for a free account at http://www.w3counter.com
Enter your W3Counter username and password in the W3Counter page under Settings.
Optionally add a widget to one of your sidebars to display a counter
W3Counter Free Real-Time Web Stats je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
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