How To Use
- Activate ‚Block Permissions‘ plugin.
- Edit any page with Gutenberg editor.
- If Block Permission is chosen for ‚Show‘, the block content will be shown if the settings are validated. Otherwise block content will be hidden.
If ‚Everyone‘ is selected as the permission, the block content will be shown for everyone.
If ‚Members‘ is selected as the permission, the block content will be shown for the logged in users.
If ‚Members with Selected User Roles‘ is selected as the permission, the block content will be shown only for the members with specified user roles.
If ‚Selected Users‘ is selected as the permission, the block content will be shown only to the specified users.
If ‚Selected Devices‘ is selected as the permission, the block content will be shown for the specified devices, such as Desktops, Phones and/or Tablets.
If ‚Date Range‘ is selected as the permission, the block content will be shown between the specified dates.
If ‚Time Range‘ is selected as the permission, the block content will be shown between the specified times.
If ‚Day Of Week‘ is selected as the permission, the block content will be shown on the specified days.
If ‚PHP Function‘ is selected as the permission, the block content will be shown according to the return value of the specified PHP function.
If ‚Everyone‘ is selected as the permission, the block content will be hidden from everyone.
If ‚Members‘ is selected as the permission, the block content will be hidden from the logged in users.
If ‚Members with Selected User Roles‘ is selected as the permission, the block content will be hidden from the members with specified user roles.
If ‚Selected Users‘ is selected as the permission, the block content will be hidden from the specified users.
If ‚Selected Devices‘ is selected as the permission, the block content will be hidden from the specified devices, such as Desktops, Phones and/or Tablets.
If ‚Date Range‘ is selected as the permission, the block content will be hidden between the specified dates.
If ‚Time Range‘ is selected as the permission, the block content will be hidden between the specified times.
If ‚Day Of Week‘ is selected as the permission, the block content will be hidden on the specified days.
If ‚PHP Function‘ is selected as the permission, the block content will be hidden according to the return value of the specified PHP function.
Nejčastější dotazy
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Block Permissions je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
SpolupracovníciPlugin „Block Permissions“ byl přeložen do 1 jazyku. Děkujeme všem překladatelům za jejich pomoc.
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Přehled změn
- Bug fix wrt date range selection. (thanks to urlund (@codework))
- Package update and minor improvements.
- Package update and minor improvements.
- Package update and minor improvements.
- Package update and minor improvements.
- License change and other improvements.
- Libraries updated.
- Code improvements.
- Libraries updated.
- Initial Release.