Accept frictionless payments and boost conversion, through a universe of payment methods from cards, e-wallets, mobile banking, to BNPL and installments!
Offer all the payment methods your customers love
We connect to a range of payment methods so that you don’t have to: Major credit/debit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB), e-wallets (LINE Pay, Shopee Pay, True Money Wallet), mobile banking, buy now pay later (Atome), and regular credit card installments.
Boost your conversion
Power your e-commerce business with Beam One-Click Checkout. Proven to help you grow your e-commerce business: 30% higher conversions & improved loyalty.
Pay as you go
Beam One-Click Checkout WooCommerce plugin is free to install, with no setup fees or monthly fees. We charge simple & low fee per transaction with no other hidden fees.
Try it now
To try Beam One-Click Checkout on your store, simply install it and contact Beam team via info@beamcheckout.com to get your account set up.
- Go to Beam Checkout setting under WooCommerce > Settings > Payments > Beam Checkout.
- Check „Enable Beam Checkout Gateway“.
- Contact Beam to obtain a necessary data (merchant ID, API key, Secret key).
- (Optional) If the obtained key is a test key, „Test mode“ must be checked.
- (Optional) Check „Ask for customer details“ to require user information (name, phone, address, etc.) at the checkout.
- (Optional) Check „Custom placement“ to enable shortcode function which allow you to pass a class name or place it wherever you want.
Pro tento plugin nejsou žádné recenze.
Beam One-Click Checkout je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
SpolupracovníciPřeložte “Beam One-Click Checkout” do svého jazyka.
Zajímá vás vývoj?
Prohledejte kód, podívejte se do SVN repozitáře, nebo se přihlaste k odběru protokolu vývoje pomocí RSS.
Přehled změn
- Update required fields to be beamdatacompany-checkout
- Save customer phone on billing address
- Remove type declaration for backward compatibility
- Improve setting page UI
- Checkout buttons are now support custom margin
- [Critical] Fix an issue that cause failure payments when the users include Thai language or ‚/‘ character in the checkout form.
- Disable checkout button when payment is processing
- Add shortcut to Beam Checkout settings page in plugin list page
- Beam checkout open payment form by redirecting user to Beam checkout page
- Add compatibility with WooCommerce Points and Rewards
- Disable payment if product type is variation and variation is not selected.
- Fix product page checkout by getting only number for quantity.
- Update Beam one-click checkout button styling.
- Fix discount calculation when coupons are applied.