Plugin nebyl testován na 3 nejnovějších verzích WordPressu. Nemusí už být tedy podporován a u novějších verzí WordPressu může mít problémy s kompatibilitou a může být nestabilní.

Already Existing Tags


This plugin detects your ‚already existing tags‘ into your post each time you create or edit/save one. The found tags will be automatically assigned.


  • Easy configuration.
  • Allow or block manually added tags; the choice is yours.
  • You can choose if the plugin examines the title, the content or both.
  • You can activate a filter and select which categories will be affected and which ones will be ignored by the plugin.
  • Clean uninstall option: If this option is enabled, the plugin will leave absolutely no traces when uninstalling.
  • Visit for more info.

Snímky obrazovky

  • Already Existing Tags – administration panel


  1. Upload the ‚already-existing-tags‘ folder to the ‚/wp-content/plugins/‘ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress.
  3. Configure the plugin through the ‚Posts -> Already Existing Tags‘ administration panel.

Nejčastější dotazy

Will the automatic tagging function start once the plugin is installed and activated?

No. By default, ‚Turn on‘ is unchecked and no category is selected.

From now on I want to examine just the tittle or just the content, but after editing the post all the previous tags are still there, why?

Because the ‚Block manually added tags‘ option is disabled. With this option enabled, all the previous tags are removed before adding the new ones.

My language uses non-latin characters. Can I use this plugin?

Yes. As long as you use valid UTF-8 characters, the plugin will work.


10. 1. 2020 1 odpověď
This plugin appeared to work for pre-existing posts, but failed to populate any tags for a new post. a disappointing waste of time.
2. 4. 2019
Exactly what I was looking for. Had over 1000 posts without tags and this auto-generated for every post. If you are looking to bulk edit, you can use the bulk editor on the Wordpress posts page. Just make sure to limit your posts to 6-8 or you will crash the db.
3. 1. 2019
There is no competitive alternative! There is no even similar type of alternative! This is one the of the best plugin you must have it on your Wordpress keychain. It saves millions of times for big blogs. It can read the post page pretty deeply and I don’t know how but it can understand like even Google AI. It finds not just the same words but similar ones too (Please correct me if I’m wrong). I suggest this to everyone who is running small or big blog.
29. 12. 2018
Many thanks to the author! This is the only plugin of the kind that I have earned with Cyrillic. Simple settings, precise work and a lot of time saved!
6. 10. 2020
I have this pugin installed for a few month now and I must say, it saved me a lot of time! I think this option should be in the core of Wordpress. Thanks for creating this plugin.
Přečtěte si všech 7 recenzí


Already Existing Tags je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.


Přehled změn


  • Fixed: the plugin should work with all posts when ‚Filter by category‘ is disabled regardless of the previous selected categories when ‚Filter by category‘ was enabled.


  • Ensure compatibility with WordPress 5.7
  • New option: examine post content is optional from now on.
  • Slight changes at the administration panel.


  • Ensure compatibility with WordPress 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6
  • From now on, the plugin uses the new ‚wp_after_insert_post‘ function (WordPress >= 5.6) if available.
  • Better explained settings.
  • Code optimization.


  • Ensure compatibility with WordPress 5.0 and 5.1
  • New option: filter by category is optional from now on.
  • Code optimization.


  • Ensure compatibility with WordPress 4.8 and 4.9
  • Improved adherence to WordPress Coding Standards.


  • Ensure compatibility with WordPress 4.6 and 4.7
  • New option: block manually added tags. From now on, manually added tags are allowed by default. Check the new option if you prefer the old behaviour.
  • Improved adherence to WordPress Coding Standards.
  • Code optimization.


  • Fixed: moving data from ‚aet_automatic_tagging_included_categories‘ to ‚aet_included_categories‘.


  • Ensure compatibility with WordPress 4.5
  • New option: examine post title.
  • Improved security: data escaping on output.
  • Improved the HTML output.
  • Code optimization.


  • Ensure compatibility with WordPress 4.4
  • Added Unicode support.


  • Ensure compatibility with WordPress 4.3
  • Improved adherence to WordPress Coding Standards.
  • Improved regex performance.


  • Ensure compatibility with WordPress 4.2
  • Added ‚check/uncheck‘ all categories and other slight changes at the administration panel.


  • Ensure compatibility with WordPress 4.1
  • Added support for ‚QUICK‘ and ‚BULK‘ edit modes.
  • Slight changes at the administration panel.


  • Ensure compatibility with WordPress 4.0
  • Added ‚Do you like this plugin?‘ section to the administration panel.


  • From now on, the .php files of the plugin are protected from direct access.
  • Fixed a bug with the .css style of the administration panel in some environments.
  • Fixed some other small bugs when WP_DEBUG is enabled.


  • Initial release.