Advanced Real Estate Mortgage Calculator is an easy-to-use financial calculator and a great tool for real estate websites. Quickly calculates monthly payment from sales price, down payment, and interest rate & length of loan – or, enter the desired monthly payment to calculate sales price – all on the same form.
Calculations occur instantaneously upon each updated entry – so checking a few dozen different potential scenarios is a snap.
Keep your buyers ON-SITE.
Snímky obrazovky
The calculator is great for sidebars (seen here in the Twenty Eleven theme). Placement on the sidebar is easy with the built-in drag and drop widget interface. The calculator can also easily be placed in the content of your page or post using its shortcode. This plugin’s shortcode [mortgage-calculator] can be placed practically anywhere.
- Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
- Visit the plugin’s settings page and check the TOS Option.
- Use the Advanced Real Estate Mortgage Calculator widget on the Widgets Page to place in one of your theme’s sidebars.
- Use the shortcode [mortgage-calculator] to place the calculator in the content or anywhere else your theme accepts shortcode.
Nejčastější dotazy
- What is this for?
For potential homebuyers and other interested parties to calculate monthly payments given a sales price, down payment, and interest rate & length of loan.
Advanced Real Estate Mortgage Calculator je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.
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Prohledejte kód, podívejte se do SVN repozitáře, nebo se přihlaste k odběru protokolu vývoje pomocí RSS.
Přehled změn
- Added label options.
- Changed settings page to be accessible by Editor or higher privileges
- Added jQuery library.
- Added options to choose default values.
- Created.