A WordPress plugin so that you change wp-admin layout also you can change dynamically all the labels of login/forgot-password form by installing this plugin
- Multiple Admin Login Template
- Website Logo & URL in Login Page
- Dynamically change all labels (Ex: Username or Email address label, password label, button text, error texts, empty texts, success texts, etc)
- Backlog visibility.
Snímky obrazovky
Settings Option for Admin Login Template Plugin. You change wp-admin layout also you can change dynamically all the labels (Ex: Username or Email address label, password label, button text, error texts, empty texts, success texts, etc) of login/forgot-password form Background image template Black template
Install it from the WordPress plugin repository.
After successfully plugin activate, you will find „Admin Login Template“ menu in the admin left sidebar. Click on it, set up everything, and enjoy this plugin.
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