Plugin nebyl testován na 3 nejnovějších verzích WordPressu. Nemusí už být tedy podporován a u novějších verzí WordPressu může mít problémy s kompatibilitou a může být nestabilní.

Advanced Custom Fields : CPT Options Pages


Small addon for ACF Options. Adds ACF location for each custom post type.

New feature in the major version 2!
After update to v2+ you must reconnect Field Groups to Options Pages

Now you can activate/deactivate CPTs and create custom options pages for each CPT.
By default, options pages are activated for all custom post types.


The default functions of ACF plugin (get_field, the_field, etc.) can be used to load values from a CPT Options Pages, but second parameter is required to target the CPT options.

This is similar to passing through a $post_id parameter to target a specific post object.

The $post_id parameter needed is a string containing the cpt_ and CPT name in the following format; "cpt_{CPT_NAME}" and for subpages you can copy generated ID while creating subpages.


In examples Custom Post Type name is projects.

So, let’s go!

Display a field

<p><?php the_field('field_name', 'cpt_projects'); ?></p>

and the subpage’s field

<p><?php the_field('field_name', 'cpt_projects_testpage'); ?></p>

Retrieve a field

    $field = get_field('field_name', 'cpt_projects');
    // do something with $field

Display a sub field

    <?php if( have_rows('repeater_name', 'cpt_projects') ): ?>
            <?php while( have_rows('repeater_name', 'cpt_projects') ): the_row(); ?>
                <li><?php the_sub_field('the_title'); ?></li>
            <?php endwhile; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

Display with shortcode

[acf field="field_name" post_id="cpt_projects"]

Please read documentation about shortcodes with ACF


    function cpt_projects_customize($cptmenu) {
        $cptmenu['page_title'] = 'Dev Custom title';
        $cptmenu['menu_title'] = 'Dev Custom title';
        return $cptmenu;

    add_filter('cpt_projects_acf_page_args', 'cpt_projects_customize');

Don’t forget to replace cpt_projects_ to your custom post type name 🙂
It works only for first level options pages, not for subpages.


Support plugin


Copyright (c) 2023, Tusko Trush


You must buy ACF PRO or ACF Options Page Addon.



This plugin is compatible and has included ACF qTranslate.
Just enjoy!


If you are using Qtranslate-X, you must install ACF qTranslate.


If you are using WPML or Polylang, you must add constant ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE to post_id,
for example: get_field('archive_title', 'cpt_projects_' . ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE).

Snímky obrazovky

  • assets/screenshot-1.png


  1. Upload ‚acf-cpt-options-pages‘ to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through thePlugins menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to Custom fields submenu CPT Options page and activate CPTs what you need or create subpages for that.
  4. Create your Custom Field Group, set location rule Options Page and choose your CPT options page or subpage.
  5. Read the documentation to display your data.

Nejčastější dotazy

If you have any questions on this please post an issue/question at Github Issues


18. 2. 2020
The great plugin which I have been looking for a long time!! The great plugin which I have been looking for a long time!! It works easy and awesome!
1. 7. 2017
I did not know that such a basic plugin can be there that lets me create the options page with such ease.
16. 11. 2016 1 odpověď
Smart, intuitive and works exactly as advertised. Just what I needed for archive pages custom headings but I’m certain I will find other ways of using this excellent tool.
Přečtěte si všech 7 recenzí


Advanced Custom Fields : CPT Options Pages je otevřený software. Následující lidé přispěli k vývoji tohoto pluginu.


Plugin „Advanced Custom Fields : CPT Options Pages“ byl přeložen do 4 jazyků. Děkujeme všem překladatelům za jejich pomoc.

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Přehled změn


  • Tested up with WP 6.2 and ACF Pro 6.1.3


  • Tested up with WP 5.8.1 and ACF Pro 5.10.2
  • Fix lang switcher and Wysiwyg Editor capability on ACF CPT Options pages
  • Modified page slug ‚-options‘ -> ‚acfcpt-options‘ to make qTranslate config regex


  • Tested up 5.7.2
  • @Ekeler PR: Update class.acf-cpt-options-pages.php


  • Tested up 5.7.1
  • Added apply_filters cpt_options_post_types_params


  • Tested up 5.3.2
  • Fix donate links


  • Tested up 5.2.1
  • Assets updated


  • Fixed underscores in options pages title


  • Fixed WPML slugs


  • Added Russian, Ukrainian translations.
  • Added setting page to ACF CPT Options Pages
  • Added UI to manage options pages per CPT
  • Ability to add child pages to CPTs


  • Support MO translations
  • Customization using add_filter


  • WPML and Polylang compatibility added.


  • Update documentation.
  • Change labels and slugs.


  • Plugin created.